Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:

Rick Medlocke Vocals
Synth Bass 2

Rick Medlocke Guitar
Electric Guitar (muted]

Charlie Hargrett Guitar
Electric Guitar (muted]

Greg T. Walker Bass
Acoustic Bass

Jakson Spiers Drums
Ah, sit-ting in the back seat of a low ride au-to-mo-bi-le we\'re cru-isin\' on the out-skirts lo-okin\' for a two leg-ged deal We got a Dry Co-un-ty can\'t find no spir-its here dry co-un-ty run for your life out of fear for things that you cannot find across a dry Cou-nty line If the signs say liq-uor in the front ba-by and pok-er in the re-a-r all you find is trou-ble it\'s best that you get out of here You got a dry co-un-ty can\'t find no vic-es here no no no no no dry co-un-ty run for your life out of fear run for your life out of fear can\'t find no spir-its no-where for things that you can-not fi-i-i-nd across a dry cou-nty line Ah L.-A. to Lon-don Buzz-ard Coun-try New Mex-i-co-o-o De-troit At-lan-ta there ain\'t no place that\'s too far to go to get a-way from this dry co-un-ty can\'t find no vi-ces here no no no no no dry co-un-ty run for your life out of here run for your life out of fear ah run ba-by keep on runnin\' ah there ain\'t no Busch no-where for things that you cannot fi-i-nd across a dry cou-nty li-i-i-ne